Robert turned 2 months on August 16th and went to the Dr. on the 21st. He now weighs 11 lbs. 1 ounce. He is doing really well in his foster home. We were able to meet many members of his foster family while we were in Guatemala and they are wonderful people who are loving and caring for Robert in the most wonderful way. We have DNA and FC interviews done so now we wait to exit FC and receive Pre approval (PA) from the US Embassy in Guatemala. The PA should come pretty quick so then all we will be waiting on is our FC exit. Our agency said that it's taking 6-7 weeks to exit once interviews are complete. We are hoping that we can get out sooner and then it's off to PGN. Once we are in PGN we will wait anywhere from 6-? weeks to exit and hopefully we do not receive any kick outs (KO). If we receive a KO we re-enter PGN and wait another 6-? weeks to exit or receive another KO. We are praying for patience and ask that you pray for us as well as Robert during this stressful and emotional time. Evi is asking for a little brother for Christmas and we so hope to have that baby boy under our tree. But... His will not mine be done.