Tuesday, September 26, 2006

3 Month Update Pics.

Robert had his 3 month Dr. visit on September 20th. He is doing great and getting so big. He now weighs over 12 pounds. I can't wait to get my hands on him again in October!! We are in our 6th week of waiting to exit FC and hope that we hear something soon. We are still hoping and praying that he will be home for Christmas but if he is not Jeremy, Evi and I are going to go to Guatemala for Christmas this year. I don't think I could take being without him on his first Christmas. Waiting gets harder and harder everyday but I know that God has a plan for us and for Robert and he will be home in the Lord's perfect timing,

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September Foster Mom Visit

We received update photos this morning! Robert looks the same, he's so beautiful. He is drinking 4 oz. Every three hours and is only waking 2x's a night for feedings. He looks so healthy. I love the picture with him on his tummy. You can't have too much tummy time! Just wanted to share. No news yet on FC but we are 4 weeks post interviews so maybe in the next couple weeks we will hear we are out! That's my prayer anyway.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

First day of School!

I know this is Robert's adoption blog but...I decided that it will include all things that go on during his adoption and that means posting about Evi's first day of school. She was so excited to return to the Growing Place Preschool and see all her teachers. She went last year for a little bit but kept getting sick so I pulled her out. I hope that this year will be better and she is old enough to go now too. Last year she was to young for the 2 year old room but I sent her anyway. She did okay. I'm so anxious to hear about her first day. Now on to news about the adoption. We got pre-approval from the US embassy yesterday so that's great. Now we need FC to get moving!! I can't wait to get his 3 month update. I wonder how big he is now?

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Labor Day Weekend

In the adoption world weekends are not so great. A weekend means nothing is going on with your case and so no news or movement. We are still waiting for pre-approval from the US embassy and also to exit Family Court. We have been in Family court for 6 weeks and have had our interviews done for 2 weeks. This means that we have like 6 or so weeks to go. That's if we are in a good court that is adoption friendly. If we are not in a "good" court then we may be in Family Court for a long time. It's so hard some days to be without Robert, I can't wait to see him and hold him again. I've got another visit trip planned for October 18-23!! I'm so excited. My Dad will be coming with and Jeremy and Evi will stay home. I can't believe that it's already September and school is back in session. The summer went so fast. Evi is starting 2 year old preschool on Wednesday and will go MWF's from 9-12. She is getting so big. She is now closer to 3 then 2, I can't believe it. Anyway, I just needed to post some more pictures of my beautiful family. I love them all so much and am so blessed to have them in my life.