Kerry and Evi have been living in Antigua, Guatemala with Robert since December 28th. I came down to join them on Jan 14th. We can now finally answer the question we so often here, "When is he coming home?" The answer is Wednesday January 24th, sometime between 8:30 and 9:30, depending on whether or not we make our scheduled flight. We land in Houston at 4:23 pm and depart for Chicago at 5:40. With only 1 hour and 17 minutes between flights we will literally have to run through the airport to have any chance. Normally, this would be enough time, but this being Robert's first time in the states we will have to go through a special line at immigration and then disappear into a mysterious room where they open the envelope that we are instructed not to open, before then continuing on to our connection. We are very, very excited to be bringing him home soon, although we have been told that it is freezing in Chicago, and it has been about 70º and sunny the whole time we have been here in Antigua (not the island, it is a colonial city in Guatemala). It is amazing here, and definitely a future family vacation destination. The weather is in the 70's pretty much all year long.
Kerry came down to Antigua to finish the waiting process after finding out that we were out of PGN (see previous post). We were fortunate that my sister Mary, and a friend Jamie were able to join Kerry for the first week to help in caring for two children for the first time, but also a big deal, help Kerry get through the airport with luggage for herself, Evi, Robert, a stroller, car seat, and of course Evi. If Mary and/or Jamie were not able to go, Kerry would not have been able to go until I was able to go with her. After Mary and Jamie left Antigua and returned to their respective schools (one a teacher the other an Assistant Principal), Kerry, Evi and Robert were joined by Kerry's father for the week. One interesting side note on this visit, Kerry ate breakfast everyday. I'm sure I'm off a little on the details but ... Kerry would tell Evi to eat her breakfast, and Evi would ask why? To which Kerry would respond, because I'm your mother and I said so. To which her father told Kerry that she needed to eat her breakfast, because he is her father and he said so.
So Sunday the 14th came and Kerry's father went home and I arrived. This is my first time in Guatemala seeing much more than the inside of a hotel room. In Antigua we are able to go all over this beautiful city with our children. We ate breakfast at a five-star hotel/restaurant, Casa Santa Domingo, or a total cost of $15.00 you won't find that in Chicago. We have eaten at Cafe Sky and had the best Chicken Quesada while enjoying a 360º view of the city, mountains and volcanoes. And near daily walks for helado (ice cream) a double scoop for me, and a single for Kerry and Evi to share all for about 15 Quetzals (about $2.15. Yes, you read that right, Kerry eats ice cream, actually hers is Mandarin orange sorbet. Evi and her both love that one.
We have ridden in an interesting form of transportation the Tuc-tuc. It is sort of like a motorized Rickshaw. It is basically a three wheeled golf cart that zips through the city bouncing along on the cobble stone streets. I've only been on them once but apparently it was Evi and Papi's (Evi's word for grandpa) favorite means of transportation. Evi loves them and Robert falls fast asleep in seconds.
Everything about this place is great, but the best part is being here as a whole family and knowing that we are going to be bringing Robert home so soon.