Well, I guess I really have nothing to do. LOL. Well that is sort of the truth. Mostly I just want a way to keep track of who we are as a family from week to week, month to month, and year to year. I don't really think we are that interesting or that we have anything important to say. But...I hope that we can save all that we post here and some day Evi and Robert will enjoy reading about their lives as children. Some days some really funny things happen and I tend to forget all the best stuff.
So, to begin our first entry is all about the wait for Christmas. Evi is almost 4 and is really into Santa and the idea of presents left under the tree for her. Over the weekend she woke up and said "I'm going to check under the tree to see if Santa left any presents yet." when I told her that it wasn't Christmas she said "that's okay. I'll check anyway." It's so great to feel the anticipation again through your child's eyes. I think this year I'll have just as much trouble sleeping on Christmas Eve as she does.
As for Robert, well he is just getting bigger and bigger everyday. He really makes us laugh and I often find myself saying that he is so cute I could eat him. His smile really does light up a room. He is starting to talk and communicate more and more everyday although we really have no idea what he is saying. He too is enjoying the Christmas season, especially the tree. I find ornaments in the oddest places almost everyday. At least he isn't trying to climb the tree right.