Well, This Friday Evi will be 4 years old. I can't believe how time flies. Sometimes I can't even remember her as a baby, infant or toddler. She just seems so grown up. Her birthday is a joyous occasion for sure but it's also a day that for me brings some tears. I always think of her birth mother on these special occasions. I wonder where she is and what she must be thinking about. I pray that she knows that her baby girl is loved very deeply. I wish she could see how beautiful she is and know how unbelievably smart she is. I will be forever grateful for the truly courageous decision Evi's birth mother made in placing her up for adoption. I can't imagine being faced with that decision so I have nothing but respect for all birth mothers.
On a lighter note I thought I would take a moment and brag about my amazing little girl. First off she she loves Disney moves. I know I let her watch too much television but... sometimes a mom's got to do what a mom's got to do. She also likes playing with her stuffed animals. She continues to loves books and we read to her everyday. The computer has also become something she has mastered and she loves playing her "Dora" game. It's crazy that my just turned 4 year old can use a mouse and name all the parts of our computer. She loves music and enjoys listening to her ipod (thanks Santa). I love that Evi can be such a "girly girl" one minute and ask you to paint her nails a sparkly pink and then the next minute she is collecting bugs and spiders she finds in our house. Evi loves swimming and will be starting her 3rd set of lessons in about two weeks. She wears a smile the whole time she is in the water. Preschool continues to be exciting for her and she is eager to go each day. Evi definitely loves being social and often talks about her many friends. We celebrated her birthday this weekend with family and friends at Chuck E Cheeses and she had a blast. Here are some pictures of the party!