Sunday, February 28, 2010

I'm a huge fan of Christian music and I found this song about adoption. It brought tears to my eyes.

Family Updates

I feel like the last couple weeks have been so crazy I just have to recap what's been going on. First I had surgery on my sinuses on Feb. 18th for the second time in 3 and a half years. It went well. I could breath out of my nose right away and it seems that my nose is staying open. I did have a lot of throat pain and that little thing that hangs at the back of the throat (your uvula) was bruised and swollen. Other then being more tired and headaches it's going well. I have a follow up Dr. appointment on Wednesday so I hope to get some relief from these headaches.

As for Evi, well she has been doing pretty well. Kindergarten keeps plugging along and she continues to learn new things. We are working on sight words and word families as well as recognizing numbers 1-100. I feel like we should be doing more at home but sometimes it's a struggle to get everything in as it is. Right now she is really into all her make-up and jewelry she got for her birthday. We have been letting her watch American Idol and she is loving it. I'm not sure if it's the show itself or the fact that she gets to stay up later then her brothers with mom and dad. We haven't really had any bedtime issues in awhile and I think staying up a little later and getting that one on one time with Jeremy and I has really helped. Now if we could only get her to sleep with her door closed. This week at gymnastics the coach used her as the example of how to do a proper cartwheel. We are so proud.

Robert is getting so big. He is really looking forward to his birthday (poor guy has two siblings with birthdays in Feb.) and is planning on a StarWars theme. He is doing awesome at preschool and loves going everyday. I am so proud of him. I was so worried that he would have a hard time but it has turned out really well for him. He continues to receive speech three times a week for 20 min. at school and he also goes to Easter Seals once a week for 45 min. His speech is progressing, it's just been a slow journey. His park district gymnastics class ended this month so we need to get him signed up again. He really enjoys gymnastics so we plan on keeping him in it. He came home from school this week complaining that his leg hurt. I took him to the Dr. the next day because by then he wouldn't even walk on it. Since I wasn't suppose to be carrying him I had to ask for a wheel chair. The x-rays showed no fracture and no blockages. We are still not sure what was going on but by that evening he was running around on it again. The Dr. said it could be an infection that spread to his leg. We also did some blood work on him checking his sugar levels. Due to some strange skin issues he has (which turned out to be dry skin) I was worried he may be a diabetic. The blood work all came back normal. Praise God. I'm sure my Dr. appreciates when I come in with my internet findings. LOL So now we need to make sure and lotion him up every night before bed to help with his many skin irritations.

Our foster son celebrated his 2nd birthday this week which was fun. Thankfully we will be done with parties and such for awhile. It's hard having two kid's birthdays right after Christmas. Baby boy continues to do well. He is talking up a storm and we are working on potty training. Of course he is two so life isn't always a bowl of cherries. LOL He is a joy and a blessing though and we are so glad God brought him into our lives.

I am so glad that Spring is right around the corner, it really can't come fast enough. I had Robert and Evi out on their scooters today just to get out and do something. I'm sick of being in the house. I'm hoping we have seen the last of the snow and the sun is going to keep on shinning. Living in Chicago makes no guarentees!

Baby boy turns 2

Today we celebrated our foster son's 2nd birthday. We are so glad that we get to celebrate this milestone with him. He has been with us for almost 18 months and it looks like he will be here for awhile longer. Every day we have with him is a special gift from God and although we don't know what will happen with his case we trust in the Lord. Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate!

The birthday boy.

Making of the banner.

The Banner.

Party Balloons.

The Cake.

Happy Birthday to you!

Make a wish.

Opening presents.

Sometimes you just need a little focus.

He loves books.

Baby boy and Papi.

Baby boy and Jamie

Baby boy and Grandma Nancy

Baby boy and Uncle Benny

Baby boy and Tia

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chicago Children's Museum

Lunch at McDonalds.

Wish I had one of these at our house.

What's gonna work? Team work!

Bob the builder.

Robert the builder.

Playing in the Water Works area.

Robert and Grandma fishing.

Out about in a boat.

Digging for dinosaur bones.

After we were done we went to the worst Greek restaurant ever. At least Robert enjoyed his ice cream sunday.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Our Valentine Dinner

Dinner at Brio

Jeremy's favorite

Guess which glass is Jeremys.

Friday, February 12, 2010

More Valentine's Day past (the boys)

The 2010 shot. His shirt says, "The ladies love me."

His first Valentines 2009

This isn't really Valentine's day. It was taken March 3, 2007, but he is wearing red.

In 2008 it was the year of "spicy." My mom got Robert a stuffed animal from Hallmark that talked. It said this huge long phrase and at the end it said "spicy." Robert laughed every time.

Enjoying our Valentines Day library in 2009.

Robert going threw his Valentines from school 2010.

Valentine's Day past

I love to look back at all the pics. of the kids when a holiday rolls around. I found all the pics. I had of Evi in Valentines past. Of course it's really fun to dress a little girl up in pink and red hearts. The only year I don't have a pic. is her first Valentines day when she was just 14 days old. I bet she was so tiny and cute. This year she went to school with Hannah Montana cards for the girls and Spiderman cards for the boys. At six years old she not only wore the red and pink, she also has the necklaces, bracelets, and hair extensions to go with it.

Valentine's Day 2010

Showing off the Valentine tights 2008

2008 school treats.

Opening Valentines in 2009.

Valentines Day 2007

This was her attempt at smiling. Looks more like and angry Valentine in 2006.

How cute is this little Valentine in 2005!