The kids are back to school and this year I didn't feel that sense of urgency to get them out of the house. We had a great summer that included two vacations, lots of festivals, pool time, and family. It was a pretty relaxing summer, with just two kids. Last summer I had four and some days were not pretty. What a difference a year can make. Both kids are doing really well so we have great expectations for the school year. We also have lots of worries. Goose started second grade with much anticipation.

She was also pretty anxious. We have spent the last two weeks talking about going back to school, what it will be like having to be away from mommy. The night before school started she did really well. I waited for the bedtime drama but it never came. Dropping her off at school I kissed and hugged her, reminded her that I would be back at the end of the day and walked away. All day I worried about her. I kept lifting her up in prayer asking God to help her with her worried feelings. I was there waiting when school let out and was so happy to see the big smile on her face. She had a great day. Thank you Lord for being there with my baby when I couldn't be. Goose has come a long way and so far seems to be transitioning well. This fall we are only having the kids do one activity at a time to help bring some calm and peace to our lives when the kids come home from school. I'm praying that this will be a blessing in our lives, the slower pace, more time as a family and an all around feeling of security. I'm so proud of my not so little girl!
Bubba started kindergarten and has been so ready all summer. He hasn't seemed the least bit scared and did awesome the first day. I thought for sure I would be a ball of tears but watching him, so confident and excited helped me to feel so at peace as his little feet carried him into school.
He is doing great and loving school. He's making friends and growing up way to fast. He will continue to receive speech services this year and has started a round of physical therapy to help gain some much needed core body strength. He is such a special little man who I know is going to do great this year.
I'm at home full time with no other work obligations to bog me down and it feels really great. I'm teaching sunday school, serving on the nominating committee at our church, singing in our praise band and really enjoying some time to myself. I'm really excited to get involved in both kids classrooms and get to know the kids they spend 6 hours with five days a week. I've also started cooking dinner every night (I know most of you have been doing that for years) but anyone who knows me well realizes this is a pretty big deal. My husband has been doing most of the cooking for years. He's better at it, enjoys it more and let's face it has a larger interest in food. But this year I decided to take that burden off of him (about time) and have been preparing the meals each night. It hasn't been met with much applause yet by any of us (except the husband ) which only solidifies why I wasn't doing it in the first place. But carry on I must. Maybe I'll even learn to like it.