So there are a group of women who are from the Chicago land area (or at least Illinois) who are using the same agency as us. We each take turns evey week to call our USCIS office to find out where they are at. The Orphan Officer, as they are called, can tell us about how long it will be until they get to your specific Home Study. Ours was submitted on April 27, 2006 and right now they are reading HS submitted on April 6, 2006. We are getting closer but I was told today that it will be at least three more weeks until they read ours. Then we have to wait to be approved and then they will have to mail us our approval (the much anticipated 171H). What a process!
I'm trying to stay busy doing little things. I have bought the baby's bottles (Dr. Browns) and I pick up little toys here and there. I would love to make the reservations for our visit trip but I can't really do that until we have a referral. We only have a couple of weeks that we can go since Jeremy starts school in August. Evi just moved into her "big girl" room officially yesterday so now I can think about any changes we're going to make to the baby's room. If we have a girl not much will change, but if we have a boy then we will have a lot of work (all fun of course). At this point I think it's more realistic to think we will get a referral of a baby some time early July. That will make Evi and the baby two and a half years apart, a good age difference I think.
We are getting ready to celebrate Evi's 2nd adoption day on June 30th. I can't believe it's been 2 years. We can't really remember our lives without her. Adoption Day is a special day that our children celebrate, it's like a second birthday because it's the day they officially became a member of our family through adoption. We also like to celebrate Guatemala on adoption day so we eat special Guatemalan food and last year Jeremy even made a cake that is loved in Guatemala called Tres Leches (three milkes). I can't wait to see what he is going to make this year!
Anyway, the report this week is 5 weeks down and 3 more to go. I do hope June goes fast.
Give Thanks Always
2 years ago
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