It's been so hard for me to post any updates because we were waiting so long to get out of Family Court and not much changed. We found out that our case exited FC on 10/13 and we were really excited but still waiting to enter PGN. My dad and I got back from visiting Robert on 10/23 and found out that we entered PGN that same day!!!!! So now I feel like I have some real news to share. Our agency said to expect 6-7 weeks before we hear anything and to expect to be kicked out of PGN at least once maybe twice. We of course are praying that our case goes though without a KO and hopefully that will mean that Robert can come home some time in January. I am hoping he is home at or before when he turns 7 months. It would be a miracle to have him home for Christmas or at least be going to get him over the holiday. We are not giving up on that idea yet because there is always hope. Our visit trip was wonderful and I feel so blessed to have been able to spend another precious week with our son. His personality is coming out already and it seems very clear even at this early age that Robert will be very different then his big sister Evi. Robert seems very quiet and reserved around people he is unfamiliar with and takes a lot of time "studying" people and places before he is willing to flash his gorgeous smile. He is very sweet (not that Evi isn't) and loves to snuggle. He seems more interested in spending time in quite places with a few familiar faces then hanging out with lots of people. He loves to be held and talked to. He even liked Papi's singing. He is just an all around great baby. Everyone kept telling me that I wouldn't luck out twice and get 2 babies that sleep through the night. But...they were wrong because at 4 months old Robert goes to bed at 8 p.m. and sleeps until 6 a.m.. Then he has a bottle and goes back to sleep until 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. He still naps quite a bit throughout the day and will even sleep up to two and a half hours mid afternoon. He is a great eater as well. He takes 6 oz. every three hours (although I think he can go longer). He definitely isn't missing any meals. I can't believe that Evi was ever that small, how quickly we forget. Evi just seems so big now in comparison. I am posting some news pictures from our visit. I think these really capture who Robert is. Enjoy.
Congrats on PGN. I will be praying for a speedy OUT and quick PINK.
The really good things truly are worth waiting for, aren't they? We will continue to remember y'all in prayer. Jim and Rita
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