Thursday, August 6, 2009

It's our anniversary!

Today Jeremy and I celebrate 9 years of wedded bliss. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. We met in 1995, started dating in April of 97 and got married in 2000. He and I have been together for a long time and over the years our love and friendship has grown. We really have been through quite a bit together this past 9 years. We have moved 4 times, Jeremy has had three jobs, I have had two carriers, Jeremy's dad and grandpa passed away, my grandfather passed away. We went through fertility problems and then quickly decided to build our family through adoption. We adopted two amazing, beautiful children from Guatemala and are now fostering children in DuPage county hoping to adopt again. I entered into the world of short term mission trips in 2003 and now have been able to share in Jeremy's love of service. We have been to Kentucky together and hope to travel to Guatemala as a family to serve folks there some time soon.

Jeremy and I have of course hit some bumps along the way as every marriage does but I can honestly say that at this moment our marriage is strong and alive. I am so blessed to have Jeremy in my life as a husband and best friend. I am greatful to our parents for providing us with such a great example of what God means marriage to be. I know that their example has been a blessing in our lives. Jeremy and I pray that we will be able to grow old together, maybe some day travel, of course we will love spending time with our adult children and future grand children. There is just so much more to experience together.

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