I already posted about my new book storage, but I had to highlight my favorite part: displaying the books in themes. This month we are featuring Back to School and Fall/Halloween (it's never too early for Halloween books, we actually read the all year.)

I made this reusable weekly calendar for Evi. She is always asking "what are we doing tomorrow?" So now when she asks I tell her to go check the calendar. I have cards for all the kids activities that are attached to velcro. Evi can help me get ready for the week by putting on all the activities and she can also rip them off when we complete an event/activity. She really seems to like this and is always telling me what is on the agenda.

The new Art/Work area of the playroom. I am finally able to get things out of the kitchen that just didn't really belong. I can also display the kids work in an area they spend a lot of time in.

I just bought this piece off Craig's list for 20 bucks. I love how I can display a lot of the baby toys we have for easier access. Otherwise they sit in the toy box and never get played with.

More toy storage. You would be surprised at how many kinds of toys, big and small, fit in this storage unit. I labeled each bin so all the toys have a proper place. I'm sure this seems anal, but the kids do have an easier time of cleaning up the toys and finding them again when they want to play with them.

The dress up area of the playroom.

Bookshelf in the boys room.

This storage unit is in the boys room and each bin has a label with a picture so that they can put their toys away where they belong.

This is Jeremy's reaction to all my organization (can't you just hear him scream "stop the madness.")