So I have been receiving these Kraft Cooking magazines for almost 5 years now. I have quite the collection. Every now and again I will go through them and book mark recipies that I think will be easy enough to make. Usually I never get around to going to the store and buying the ingredients (I know big surprise.) For a few weeks now Jer and I have been recording things we need from the store on a little notepad that has taken up residence by the fridge. This works great because as soon as we run out of something we can right it down and remember to get it, but it's also great because most nights Jer goes to the store (not sure why) and he always asks me three seconds before leaving "do we need anything?" I always feel such pressure and can never think of what we need. Well, this time when I looked through the Kraft mag. I wrote all the ingredients for anything I thought I would cook (like for real cook) on our notepad knowing that Jer would get everything I needed. It worked and last night I made 1 of 4 new meals we are going to try.

Here it is about to go into the oven. An interesting side note is that I had the oven at 300 and it was supose to be at 350. oops.

See here I am at the stove, slaving away.... I'm pretty sure this is when I put in the whole bag of frozen corn rather then reading exactly how much I was supose to use.
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