We have been telling Evi for years that we would get her a Hermit Crab. One of our fish tanks broke and won't hold water anymore so it seemed to be the ideal time to get the Hermit Crab. Jeremy took them to Petsmart yesterday and they each picked out their Crab. Evi's is in a pink shell and she named it Shelly. Robert's is in a blue shell and he named it Boh-Bah. Baby boy and Jeremy share one and it's name is Percy. Right after settling into their new home Percy found a new home. We hope that these little guys will be fun pets for our family to take care of and of course we are hoping that they don't croak too fast.
This is from day 2 with Hermit Crabs. We had to get them some more things for their cage.

Robert holding Boh-Bah.

Evi holding Shelly for the first time.

Here I am holding Percy.

Shelly and Percy

Watching with excitement.

Their new home.

and here they are..... Shelly, Boh-Bah, and Percy
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