Well that's half true anyway. I did go school supply shopping and clothes shopping almost two weeks ago so I guess I have been thinking about the back to school thing for awhile. I'm trying to get our fall schedule set so I can release some of this anxiety. We still have our fourth placement but she will be leaving again for two weeks on Wednesday. Then we will have here for two weeks at which point the paperwork and approvals are suppose to be done and she can go live with her grandparents permanently.
As for baby boy his visits are going to start increasing so there is no way to know what his visit schedule will look like. It seems that things are always changing and I just need to except it. Bubba is going to preschool 3 mornings a week and he will continue speech at Easter Seals once a week. He is suppose to receive two 45 min. sessions of speech through our school district but I haven't heard anything yet about when that will be. I'm having a hard time getting him signed up for activities because I don't know what time the walk in speech will be. I tried to sign him up for fall soccer but the class was already filled. I'm hoping to get him in both swimming and gymnastics again because he really seems to like those.
Where to begin with Ms. Goose? She will be starting first grade in about a week. We have been talking to her about the transition and hopefully helping her to feel good about starting a new grade. I even got several books from the library about going into 1st grade. I love how each book talks about how kids may be nervous because 1st grade won't be like kindergarten and how many kids will miss their kindergarten teacher and classroom. I had a good discussion with Goose about how it's okay to feel nervous at first, but just like the kids in the book she too will discover that 1st grade is going to be just as great as kindergarten. I had planned on working with the kids at least 3 times a week this summer, especially Goose. Well I failed miserably at that. We did do stuff at least once a week and we tried to get Goose to practice her reading. The problem is she doesn't like it and when I sit down to listen to her read I often get frustrated. I get so mad at myself ... I was a reading teacher after all, you'd think I could use my skills as a teacher to help her.
We have her signed up for gymnastics again and she will be continuing with "mighty mights." She really loves it and she is getting really good at it. We are staring our attachment therapy again as well. It always seems that there is just too much on the agenda but I can't see cutting any of it out. Both Evi and Bubba will be able to go to "Faith Weaver Friends" on Wednesdays at our church. It's a free program that teaches them to love God and each other, how can I cut that program out? This fall due to gymnastics the kids will be late every week and to be honest some weeks we will probably skip it altogether.
I'm hoping to lead a small group this fall at our home twice a month. I am looking forward to it. It will be great to have the opportunity to connect with other people and get into the word of God. I also hope to do more with the PTA at Evi's school. I'm not sure how that will play out though. I really enjoy helping in the classroom so I may just stick to that. We have some weekend getaways planned as well so there will never be a dull moment.
I don't know how other moms do it. Especially those with lots of kids. I struggle each day to keep them busy and not just sitting in front of the T.V. I have to fight with the four year old about doing any activity outside and each day brings meal time battles with the two year old. The six year old can't understand why she has to stop being bossy and the other two year old cries every time one of the kids walks past her. No one can find anything to do (except the thing their brother or sister is doing) and crying is constant. All of this happens within the first 30 minutes we are up. I just don't know how in the world we will ever feel balanced. The doctor appointments, therapy sessions and extracurricular activities are endless. If I'm not driving them to one of these things we are trying to get in physical activity, reading time, and healthy meals. Oh yeah and don't forget keeping to a nap and bedtime schedule as well as making sure they bath and brush their teeth. Well not even just brush their teeth, we have to floss and use fluoride rinse too. Don't forget teaching them to be kind to others and to treat people with respect...I'm in charge of all the moral upbringing too. At the end of the day it's no wonder I enjoy a glass of wine.
Give Thanks Always
2 years ago
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