Things have been really stressful the past few weeks. Our foster son is beginning his transition back to his birth parents and tomorrow we will send him off for his first over night. This past weekend we met his parents at McDonald's for a visit. Our hope is that by forming a relationship with his biological family we will be able to make his transition a little easier. They were really gracious and even invited us to their home. It was really great for Goose and Bubba to be able to see where he will be living. This was the first time they met baby boy's parents. We have been talking about them for over two years and even though they have seen pictures I'm sure it was good for them to meet them in person. Baby boy definitely had a hard time having both of his "mommy's" around at the same time. It's so obvious that he is really confused and even angry. My heart breaks for him.
His transition has been hitting Goose really hard (as we knew it would.) She already has issues with loss and abandonment in her life, losing a brother is just another loss she will have to overcome. It kills me everyday that I put her in this situation. If I only knew then what I know now maybe we would have never decided to foster. What we meant for good has only caused her pain and anxiety. We can only move forward from here. The idea of baby boy leaving us to go back and live with his birth parents has brought up a lot of emotions about her birth mother. She tells us she misses her and wants to one day return to Guatemala to meet her. What big emotions for such a little girl. We have been talking about baby boys departure on a daily basis, always reinforcing that they will never be leaving and that adoption is forever. When he is not around we talk about how this is what it will be like when baby boy is gone. The idea is for the kids to connect with what that feels like. It's sad not having him around. We may see things that remind us of him, and that will make us sad and happy all at the same time.
In therapy we are practicing what it will be like the day he leaves for good. Through play we can act out what we might say on that day and how we might feel. This has been a really good way to see what Goose is really thinking. While this is all going on it's our job to make this loss look like it's the best thing in the world. We want Baby boy to see this as a good thing, a positive not a negative. We want out kids to be happy for baby boy. We are playing up how wonderful this is and how happy his parents are to be getting him back. I'm pretty sure this is the most confusing part for Goose. If this is such a good thing for baby boy to be going back to his birth parents then why wouldn't it be a good thing for her to go back to her birth parents? I have a feeling that question is coming soon. I pray I have the wisdom to answer it.
Give Thanks Always
2 years ago
1 comment:
Anxious to hear how his overnight goes.
Will be praying for Goose. The concern that our daughter will fear she'll be sent away is what has me most concerned about this process. Doing play therapy sounds like a great way to help her process it all.
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