Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring is on it's way!!!

I'm so glad to report that i have actually taken the kids to the park 2 days in a row. it's been so great to get out of the house and play outside. this winter has been especially dreary here in chicago. we are planning a family vacation this spring to visit uncle willy and uncle bridget. we are really hoping the weather there will be nice enough for us to go swimming. i'm mostly looking forward to being out of illinois. I have just over two months left as youth director at cpc and i'm really looking forward to a break. the kids are each signed up for several activities this spring and we are really looking forward to watching evi play soccer. she is really fast so i think she'll love the running part. robert is beginning to say more words. just yesterday he said "uh oh' for the first time. it was really cute.