Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day (a little late)

This mother's day I was awakened with kisses and hugs as well as the chorus of "happy mother's day" from at least two out of three kids. They all climbed into bed and proudly presented my breakfast. Jeremy was in toe carrying a beautiful boquet of flowers and a card. Normally I hate to be awakened by anyone really, but since it was already 9:00 a.m. I thought I aught to get up. I'm not really sure what I ate for breakfast, Jeremy informed me that Evi made most of it. Then of course she was so excited to give me the gift she made for me at school.

Robert had given me his handmade gift earlier in the week so now it was Evi's turn. She brought it home on Friday and was able to keep it a secret from me until Sunday (I was quite impressed.) Evi's gift was a beautiful kitchen towel with her handprints on them. I was telling her today that I am afraid to use it but she assured me the paint wont come off. Robert's gift was a vut out of his hand with flowers on all the fingertips.

We visited Jeremy's mom and grandma after church but other then that we really didn't do anything. I was able to get in a 3 hour nap so that's always a great gift.

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