Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First adoption support group.

Today I went to my first adoption support group.  It was really great to get together with other adoptive moms who understand all the issues and behaviors our adopted kids have.  The group has been going on for awhile but I haven't been able to attend because of scheduling conflicts.  The group is made up of other moms in this area who have kids around the same age as Goose, Bubba, and Baby boy.  It's run through Metropolitan Family which is where Goose and I have been doing attachment therapy for almost a year now.  I'm so thankful to have opportunities to connect with other adoptive parents.  I have been able to connect on the Internet through the various "adoption forums" that I go on and recently through connecting with other moms who blog about their adoptive families.  I have learned so much from other families and believe that in order to navigate the world of adoption it's essential to have these connections.  At today's meeting I picked up yet another tool to try with Goose.  Each time I add another tool to my tool box I always feel more equipped to be the best mom I can be for my kids.

1 comment:

Deb said...

That's wonderful. I miss the support group we had since we moved and am searching for adoptive parents in our area because you are right there is a connection there that is needed as our kids grow.
Glad you got another tool for Evi.